
Personal Development

Software Process


2021-06-25: Digital Homesteading Swift does not have a built-in Heap data structure. To solve leetcode challenges that involve a …

2020-11-11: Humans, consultants and style guides Consulting is an exciting business that has allowed me to observe the inner dynamics of many …

2020-11-10: Apple Silicon, the 3rd age of Apple Apple is set to unveil Macs with ‘Apple Silicon’ this morning. Brings back memories of …

2020-11-08: One lesson I tell developers starting out in their careers, is that on a long enough career arc, …

2020-11-08: Hobbies that don't involve Git, a domain name, or AWS Collecting VHS tapes Ironing shirts Peeling apples Sock puppets Itching your arm Dog walking …

2020-09-30: SwiftUI is a Cookie Mould New features released at WWDC typically build on, or extend existing components. Things are new, but …

2020-08-14: Unwritten Rules of tech-industry Zoom calls Give at least 5 mins after someone joins to begin talking to them. This gives ample time to pair …

2020-07-27: SwiftUI is the future, but I think big-company apps will still have UIKit underneath